Sixteen again?
Windows down, Diet Coke in my hand, Tom Petty's "You wreck me" playing way too loud on my radio, I pop a handful of the newly purchased M & M's in my mouth. For a moment, just a brief moment, it felt as if I was sixteen again, driving my beat up Mazda GLC in the spring air. Then I drove by my reflection in an office building's windows and I saw it. The minivan. I'm thirty nine years old and I'm a mom. I got to thinking, what else am I? I'm a professional diaper changer, short order cook, personal care attendant, nurse, housekeeper, teacher, barber. All of these things I've become since being a mom. What did I used to be? An professional event planner, a pretty good cook, an avid runner, a yoga enthusiast, a huge Oasis fan, a rabid Timberwolves fan, a recovering alcoholic, a sister, a daughter, a wife. It's sad how those things just seemed to drop away slowly from my life. This week was a bit challenging, how do I entertain three kids all of...