"Mom". "Yes, honey.." "Can we play that game where you let us say swear words and then don't get in trouble?" Ryan asked. "Ok, one word a piece. Go!" I agreed. "Bitches!" Ryan squealed. "Shit!" Owen shouted. "Oh Yeah, bitches!" I chimed in... I know I'm not winning the mother of the year award, but after a weekend like mine, I needed a laugh. Have you ever heard a six-year old shout, "Bitches!"? It's hilarious. This is day four of using Dermot's Diastat to stop his thirty minute-plus seizure episodes. Diastat is rectal valium. My husband and I have been alternating who has to shoot valium up Dermot's butt to make his seizures stop. This is absurd. In his eight years of life (his eighth birthday is tomorrow) we have had to use this medication three times. Now this weekend, we've used it four times, been to the ER once and have been in constant contact with his neurolo...