58 lbs.
He weighs 58 pounds. I know you're asking because its quite shocking to watch me lift his large limp body out of his wheelchair. I know I'm small. But please don't ask me while I'm lifting him, Dermot is heavy. We've got that covered. He's heavy for many reasons. His wheelchair alone weighs 87+ pounds, then factor in the TLSO brace, the fact that he can't assist me while I lift him and his 58 pounds, that equals heavy. But for some reason when you ask me how much he weighs it makes me think you're going to talk about how you can't believe I can still lift him, or how you worry about when I won't be able to lift him anymore. "What will she do?" I imagine you saying to your confidant at the end of the night. Is it pity? Beats me, but it feels like it. How about "what can I do to help?" instead? Or perhaps taking action on your own. Yes he's heavy, but reminding me of it isn't helpful. It reminds me that it's...