I'm still waiting for the blender and the new running shoes to arrive that I ordered online last week. Children's hospital had free wi-fi and I had an ipad while I spent three days with Dermot in the hospital last weekend. He slept, I shopped. I found a fantastic deal on a new down coat in anticipation for this year's winter. Some new skinny cargo khakis and a v-neck merino wool sweater will also keep me fashionably warm this coming season. Plus the t-shirt on Etsy I ordered for a friend, (she's going to love it!) and the blender that has yet to arrive will make my morning smoothie ritual much easier. And of course the running shoes, I checked, they'll be at my house by Wednesday. I'll need those the most. I've been relying on my daily runs as therapy (along with the online shopping) to get me through this illness that Dermot is suffering through. So far he's missed two weeks of school, probably will miss a few days next week and my routine has com...